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1-5 Chapters
Simple Percentage
NGN 4000


This study was conducted to evaluate the factors influencing the adoption of NERICA rice agronomic practices among farmers in three selected Local Government Areas of Kano State, Nigeria. The specific objective were to: Determine the rate of adoption of NERICA agronomic practices; determine factors influencing adoption of NERICA rice; determine the relationship between adoption of NERICA rice and yield, income and level of living of the farmers and identify the constraints encountered by the farmers in adoption of NERICA rice agronomic practice. The study areas were: Tudun Wada, Garin Malam, and Kura. These three Local Government Areas are located between latitudes 110151 N11o 161N and Longitudes 80251E, 8o281E of the equator respectively. A multistage sampling method was employed: Firstly, three LGAs with highest level of NERICA rice production were purposively selected; secondly, two villages were purposively selected on the basis of being the most prominent NERICA rice producing areas from each LGA. Thirdly, 20% of the farmers (548) engaged in NERICA production was randomly selected to get 110 respondents for this study. It was found that 96%of the respondents were males with mean age of 38. About 93% of the respondents adopted NERICA varieties and seed rate; spacing was adopted by 51% and weed control adopted by 63%. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the level of education, age, family size, extension contact, farming experience, access to credit facilities, and membership of the association. Technological characteristic like complexity, and compatibility collectively contributed 46% to the variability in the adoption of NERICA rice agronomic practices. The survey found that 22% of the respondents obtained N31, 000 and above as increase in income due to adoption of NERICA rice. It was also found that 53% of the farmers reported higher cost of fertilizer, 47.3% poor credit facilities, 34% inadequate extension services, 16.4% insufficient agrochemicals as major problems. It was recommended that farmers should be encouraged to adopt agronomic practices as a package to improve their level of production through participation in extension training and advisory services. It was therefore adoption of NERICA rice agronomic practices was found to have significant effects on, yield, income and level of living of the respondents. Based on this success it is hereby recommended that the NERICA rice productions should be scaled up, replicated in other Local Government Areas within the State.